
Miss America vs. NFL Combine

NFL Combine and Crowns

I recently spent 2 days at the NFL Combine, and the similarities in preparation and competition between the Miss America Pageant and the NFL Combine are just too good not to share!

Women Can Talk Sports, Top 10 Women Talking Sports

Top 10 Women Talking Sports

My current Top 10 favorite women talking sports on TV, twitter, online, and in their everyday lives.


Why Women Love Tim Tebow

To get a woman who knows nothing about sports to talk about sports is easy… just say the name Tim Tebow. He is one of the only athletes my mom, aunts, and 87-year-old grandmother all know.


Our Top 5 Posts on the Basics of Football

If you need an emergency crash course in football, here are our 5 must read posts.


Social Media Anxiety Deficit Disorder

I, Taryn Foshee, suffer from debilitating, paralyzing Social Media Anxiety Deficit Disorder. This self-diagnosis is quite serious for someone who blogs and operates over 13 various social media accounts, but admitting there is problem is the first step toward recovery, right?


Winning in the Workplace

Sport is culturally unavoidable, and I passionately believe that women under-utilize the sports conversation in their personal and professional lives. Here I share 3 professional benefits of talking sports.


Apps Are Your Friend!

Keeping up-to-date with everything happening in the world of sports can be quite overwhelming. So, here is a little hint to make your life easier: Apps! If you have a smartphone, take advantage of having concise sports information at your fingertips!


Fumble No More, Mastering Sports Lingo

Our Fumble No More segment explains common sports terminology that creeps into everyday conversations. Featured in this post: Fumbles, Formations, Reads, and Audibles.


The First Post!

I have started this “first post” nearly 100 times over the last 4 years. I first had the dream for a website dedicated to teaching women about sports in the summer of 2008. I worked sporadically on the idea, always …